Friday, October 26, 2012

Plying Singles

Okay, so it took a little bit of trial and error - and a few videos on You Tube - and watching them a few times, but I finally figured out what an Andean bracelet is.  (If you want to know, find the video because I don't think that I could explain it in 1,000 words or less other than to say when you're done, you can pull from both ends of the ball of yarn at once.)

Anywho.  So I got the yarn wound into a pull from the center and pull from the outside ball, then I spun it together, making sure to wind it in the opposite direction of the way that I spun the singles.  Basically doubling the yarn and twisting it.

Got that?

It's okay - it took me awhile.

So here it is, my almost ready to knit with grey yarn.  I'm going to spin up the cream leftover roving from last year's thrummed mitten extravaganza and once that's all done, I'll wash both the grey and cream, hang them to dry, and then get to knitting.

I can't wait!  Okay, I can wait because there's supposedly this storm coming this weekend so we have to prep for it - but right after that I am *so* going to be finishing this.

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