Saturday, November 5, 2011

Fundraising 101

Our little town has a new town hall.  It's the old elementary school, so not a new building, but it's new to the town as a town hall.  I think it's a really nice town hall-esque building.  I don't think very many towns are building government buildings like it these days - and I think it is a good use of an existing space.  Much better than letting the building just sit there and fall to pieces.

Anyway, we have a Holiday of Lights every year - the fancy way of saying "tree lighting ceremony"- and a few folks in town thought it would be nice to light up the new town hall trees as part of the ceremony.

I like the idea - the more holiday lights the merrier!  So I went out this afternoon and took some pictures of the town hall with the trees.  I photoshopped them to a charcoal effect and added layers of red, blue and yellow round brush strokes for the proposed lights.  I like this one the best - the portrait size fills the flyer we will be using for fundraising.  It only has one of the trees, but there are no electric lines and the sign and steeple for the building are really visible.

I had a lot of trouble figuring out what to write on the flyer so I did some research on the web.  According to the experts, the most effective thing to write on the flyer are: who, what, where, when, why, and how.  Just the basics - clean and simple.  I just love it when things are so straightforward.

So - light up your town and get some new lights for the winter festivities!


  1. Like the colored lights better than the white lights lp

  2. Thanks! Me too, but they never made it through committee. They wanted something "all occasion", so white was the winner.

  3. Sounds like another lets take Christ out of Christmas.

  4. Yes, that was considered, but what it came down to was the fact that we are a small town and we don't have enough money to swap the lights out for different holidays.
